Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Francis Spring Dinghy

Good News, Bad News... The bad news is that we only had 12 boats show up for the regatta. The good news is that the best of the best showed up, which made for the most intense and closest racing of the season so far. My results were not as good as anticipated but giving the company I was in I am very satisfied.

Saturday Race 1: 5-10 knots of north breeze, 60 degrees and flat water with a 2 knot ebb. I had a good start on the middle of the line with clear air. I missed a shift and lost a few boats, and by the time I rounded the top mark I was in 7th place. On the downwind there were very few passing lanes due to the strong current so we were all playing follow the leader. On the next upwind leg I played the current a little better and was able to pass a boat and round the top mark in 6th. On the run to the finish I was able to just pass one more boat to finish in 5th place.

Race 2: 12-18knots of westerly breeze, 56 degrees and extremely choppy water with a 3 knot ebb. We were postponed for over an hour due to the change in wind direction and the race committees lack of ability to set a proper course in extreme currents. I was in a great position on the middle of the line when I went to power up at the start and my legs didn't get the message and I managed to capsize. I immediately got the boat upright and going when I found myself in last place by a considerable distance. I kept my head in the game and sailed hard, by the time I rounded the top mark I had caught up to the fleet. On the downwind I managed to link up a few waves and surf by a few boats. At the bottom mark I had a great rounding and forced a few boats to the outside of me, putting me in 8th place. The upwind leg was nothing special I covered a few boats and I rounded in 8th place. On the last run to the finish I was able to surf past a few more boats putting me in 5th place. Unfortunately with in the last 50 yards I could not catch a wave to save my life and I was passed, only to finish the race in 7th place.

Race 3: 15-20 knots of westerly breeze, 55 degrees extremely choppy with a 3 knot ebb. I had an amazing start! I was on the middle of the line with all but one boat to leeward of me! Everything was looking good for me! All of a sudden a port tacking boat went to duck below my transom and ended up t-boning me. The bow of the other boat ended up in the cockpit of my boat which forced me to capsize on top of him. I then had to jump on his boat in an effort to untangle our two boats. After I untangled our boats I then had to jump back onto my tutled boat. By the time I got the boat upright again and going I was a half of a leg behind the rest of the fleet. Some how I was able to compose myself and keep sailing. I was in last place for the entire race, and at the finish I had just caught up with the back of the fleet almost beating two boats.

Sunday Race 4: 8-12 knots westerly breeze, 65 degrees, choppy with a 2 knot ebb. Today was a new day! I started on the boats end of the line with a few boats sitting on me. I tacked to get some clear air and I did not tack back to stick with the fleet. I went for a flyer with the hope of catching up with the leaders. This did not work out! At the top mark I rounded in 10th place with my training partner Drake just behind me (who was sitting in 3rd place in the regatta). The two of us looked at each other and new that we had to sail our butts of to get back in hunt. Half way down the run I was in 8th place, and at the bottom mark I had a great rounding and passed two more boats. On the upwind I struggled to find a rhythm in the chop and lost two places due to my boat speed. It came down to the last 100 yards of the downwind run there was a pack of four of us surfing waves and trading places, I managed to stay ahead of three of them to finish in 8th place.

Race 5: 15-20 knots of westerly breeze, 58 degrees and a ton of chop with a 2.5 knot ebb. I had a great start! I was in the hunt! I played all of the right shifts and rounded the top mark in 2nd. On the downwind several boats sat on my wind no matter what direction I went this resulted in me getting passed by 3 boats. Arrrg! The next downwind I focused on covering what was left of the fleet so as not to loose anymore places. The last downwind leg to the finish I could not make any gains on the leaders and ended up finishing in 5th place.

Race 6: 15-20 knots of westerly breeze, 58 degrees a ton of chop and a ripping 3 knot ebb. I had a solid start on the pin end of the line, I was able to point higher than a few boats to windward of me which forced them to tack away. I then had clear air all the way to the top of the course. Unfortunately due to the crazy current I over stood the layline and found my self reaching into the top mark. I lost a bunch of boats! I rounded in 8th place with the lead pack within reach. I linked up a bunch of waves and passed one boat by the leeward mark. On the last up wind I finally got a good rhythm threw the chop! Unfortunately so did everyone else. I was still in 7th place at the top mark and new I had to put the pedal down to make up some places. There were five boats all within a close distance of me each trying to surf every possible wave hoping to get out in front. This situation forced me to sail the most intense and physical downwind ever! I crossed the finish line in 6th place having just caught a really good wave and narrowly missing 5th place by an inch.

To Sum It Up! I had a tough regatta, though I was able to hang with the big guys. Which consisted of one past Olympian, one future Olympian, one world champion, and two very experienced masters. These guys were great competition! Overall this was a great weekend, I had a several mistakes that I learned from, and I pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself in a Laser. I ended up finishing the regatta in well fought for 6th place.

*Pictures Coming Soon!*

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